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How do you inspire others around you?

Everybody has a different answer to this question. For some the answer is "I don't know" or "I don't think I can inspire others".

Well, as I often say what you think, know, or think you know doesn't necessarily reflect what others perceive. So, if your answer to this question is pretty similar to the ones above then you should start asking.

I strongly believe that everyone has inspired at least one person and at least once in their life. They are just unaware of their achievement. The key is to get insights into who you have inspired at least once, how you did it, and about what. Then it is easier to consciously understand your inspirational power source.

Moreover, you have to seek what inspires you. It is common that we project our inspiration sources to motivate others.

For instance, my primary sources of inspiration are three and many would say conflicting:



•Role models


For me, challenges come in our lives to test us in the field they affect. So, when I meet one I think that the harder it is, the more it can teach.


In my eyes, similar is the obstacles functionality. Obstacles emerge either to discourage or to disorientate us from our goal. In both cases, I fervently believe that the more obstacles one path has, the fewer people have gone through it. This may take place for two reasons:

  1. In the middle, the majority conpromises with less and stops.

  2. The majority doesn't even bother to start because the perceived costs are higher than the perceived gains.

This affirmation helps me to choose which obstacles worth my attention and to have the determination needed to overcome them, when they do.

Role Models

This is a classic one. All of us have/had/ still searching our role models. The reason why role models can be a tangible source of inspiration is their absolute connection with an idea. Because ideas have the ultimate ability to stay indestructible and unalterable, in contrast to people.

These are the sources that I project to others when I want to inspire them to do what I see they can achieve. I didn't always knew that, neither this realization hit me out of nowhere. I simply asked, discussed and observed.

This year I encourage you to do the same. You'll be surprised by your own potential.

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